And on the fourth day, Oslo slept.
Most things are closed in Oslo on Sundays, except some food places, pubs, and the occasional portal to the Medieval/Renaissance Period.
As such, I spent most of the day at a Ren Faire.
Now, having never lived in said make-believe hybrid period, my guess is that a Norwegian ren faire is as authentic as they come. Afterall, these people basically live like they are in the dark ages anyway. (Button toilets and shift+7 for forward slash?? What the hell is this?!)
There was jousting, crafts, old-timey costumes, wooden swords, geeks, and tens of millions of children on flutes and penny-whistles. Instead of roast turkey leg, they had salmon. For.serious.
It's amazing how small a city Oslo is; with no exaggeration I recognized three faces in the crowd at the faire that I had seen in other parts of the city. Amazing.
These are the things I have discovered on my fourth day:
- You don't need to pull on Russians, just rocking them back and forth will do the trick.
- There are X-Men headquarters in the American Embassy
- Children rule. If you are in a hymn choir, it's best to come to terms with that right away.